what's going on

1. I have a freelance job with a design studio here in Knoxville. It's so nice to finally be designing again. I finished one job for them last week and they contacted me again today to offer me another one. Looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.

2. I may have a job offer next week for a full-time position. I interviewed with them 2 weeks ago and they really liked me. They had a position possibly opening up July 1, so that's what I'm waiting to hear about. Here's hoping…

3. We just bought a house! Yes, I am now a homeowner. We are going to eat dinner at the empty house tonight and I'm going to take some pictures so perhaps they will be posted soon. It hasn't quite sunk in yet, but it is so exciting. It is such a darling little house. I can't wait to start painting! Pictures coming soon.


a little introspection


a lapse in information