wow, another one

whoa, i'm doing so much better at posting in this last week. too bad summer is almost over. actually, no, I'm getting ready to come home. I can't believe I leave 3 weeks from tomorrow. this is so nuts. how do the summers go by so quickly?

this weekend was lovely. I was so lazy. My neighbors and I laid around all day Saturday and then had a BBQ of sorts on our patio. It was chicken and beef kebabs that were simply amazing. Sunday, we went to church then I swam with little Natalie and then we all went to the beach where Natalie and I rollerbladed on the boardwalk. It was much fun. I haven't rollerbladed in so long. I ridiculously didn't wear good socks for it so I now have 2 lovely large scrapes on my ankles that the mosquitoes just love. Yesterday was a typical work day. I swam with Natalie over my siesta and then last night we had a Moroccan couscous dish with some guests who came. It was so fun and the conversation just flowed beautifully. This morning however, I could not wake up. When I finally did, I had given myself 10 minutes before I had to be at work for prayer time. Tonight, I am going shopping with my neighbors. It is time to start picking up my souvenirs. I found some lovely lace things that my mom will so appreciate and I'm looking for a thing or two as well. Great fun!

Oh, brilliant news, I'm going to Barcelona before I leave. I have planned a 3 day trip and even have somewhere to stay, for free! Now, I am booking flights, mapping out the city and determining which sites must be seen. Yay for Barcelona!

if you haven't seen or heard of them yet, look to the right and in my sidebar is a link to my photos which have my pics in Spain so far. Enjoy!

I miss you all and can't wait til August!


…a very satisfied sigh


a need to write