from my corner office, otherwise known as a workroom
well, my attempts at blogging have been futile. I seem to have hit an "I don't want to sit down and write" mode, which I am forcing myself to get over. Of course, my timing now is impeccable as I am at work, about 51 minutes til lunch. I'm finally ahead on most of my projects and just waiting for feedback before the next move can be made. On my hugest(I can't decided if that is a word or not) project, I am pushing deadlines and was struggling to ideate when I had the brilliant idea to blog instead. I shall now make a slight effort to catch up on posting about the life I am in the midst of. Some might be repetitive of what has been in my newsletters, but I'm too lazy to worry about that.
Spain is beautiful. Southern Spain, or Andalucia, is beautiful and hot. My spoiled American body is easily overheated in these marvelous tile buildings that lack air conditioning. I have not ventured much outside of my city of Malaga, and I probably won't because of time, companionship, and finances. I simply cannot justify taking much adventurous trips with the generous gifts of my supporters. But, if opportunity allows, I may swing over to a near city for a change of pace. My eye has been on Barcelona, which is way north, as that is supposed to be a really cool city with interesting art wrapped through it and there is a Jamie Cullum concert there next weekend; but flights are strangely expensive in this tourist-time of year as well as I really would rather not venture that far by myself. My awful Spanish would not hold out very well I'm afraid.
Work has been good and quite knowledge-stuffed for me. I have learned some crucial design tips that I think shall be so helpful in upcoming classes/projects. I love my coworkers and somewhat dread saying goodbye to each of them in just under a month. We pray together every morning(M-F) and I think that creates that tight bond between us all. My supervisor/coach and I haven't had much time to hang out, but working together has been great. There is much to glean from her wealth of design knowledge and surprisingly, I look forward to having her correct things as she is bound to find something I wouldn't have even thought of.
My little house, the Casita, is very cozy. Tends to be quite an oven in the middle of the day, but cools off nicely in the evenings. I have disposed of more spiders in that little house than in my entire life and I have recently given up on finding them all as they are sure to come out whenever they please. I was wonderfully comforted by a coworker's wife as she said she has had trouble with spiders as well, but that it is normal since it is hatching season. My overimaginative mind went wild at this thought and was very quickly picturing every corner and fold within the house just crawling with millions of eight-legged insects. Funny how I've never been scared of spiders before and could calmly dispose of them; but now I find myself shrieking after I've killed one and turn to find another. Counting my blessings though, I have only battled spiders and termites. I'm praying the cockroaches away.
Enough about bugs, more about Spain. I absolutely love wandering the streets of downtown. I think I finally have the knack of being just friendly enough with passers-by to not be rude, but still maintain the face that any little fortune-teller or begger should please leave me alone. 2 nights ago, the other single coworkers and I(the 3 of us and one of their fiances here on a visit) spent an hour or so in the huge air conditioned department store - much like London's Harrods - and then ate dinner in Antonio Banderas' restaurant. It was a delicious atmosphere and had a barnish/pub/cavern feeling that slightly reminded me of something from "The Mask of Zorro." I ate a very good pork kebab and discussed random things at our table while silently calculating the odds of Banderas actually walking in while we were there. He didn't, but it was a delightful evening nonetheless.
Possibly my other favorite part of Spain so far has been the quaint little town of Mijas. It is one of those places where all the buildings are white-washed and the streets are tight, cobblestone and decked with pots of vibrantly colored flowers. I desperately hope my pictures turned out from that outing.
My head has been full of ponderings, especially during the quiet evenings I spend in my little Casita. I've read 3 books already and am in the 4rth now. I've read these brilliant stories about brave missionaries venturing into the areas of N. Africa. All these single women who started what I am continuing fascinate me. The stories of their houses, ministries, encounters, and what-not are so enthralling and very convicting. I find myself disappointed in my character that I cannot find the courage to drop everything back home and run to the lost and hard to be in places of the world. I dread that lifestyle and I would much rather do without this one. The dear songs of Ginny Owens have been swirling around in my head all the weeks that I have been here, especially the song "If You Want Me To." It contains the lyrics: It may not be the way I would have chosen, when you lead me to a world that's not my home. But you didn't say it would be easy, you only said I'd never go alone. In those tired, dark, and lonely hours those words have been woven through my green blanket that I draw around my already too warm body. I hope all these ramblings don't come across wrong. I am learning here and enjoying myself, but my heart very much wants to be at home, back with the classes, familiarity and intimacy of my dear friends. The blessings become even more important when you have to force yourself to count them.
Well, lunch is coming close and I should wrap up my work for the 2 hour break. Now I must ideate about what I should make for my lunch. My creative ability seems to stop when it comes to cooking. I think a nap is called for as well. I will surely write again soon, at least when the procrastinating kicks in.